Tried to finish my pending drawing (again) . I like the first version better xD
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Gildor Elendil, MR, Zakeena, xLitchi, Lazarus, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ray Mortamour, Liar, Luna Sea, sweetrox, Cami Brown, Seraphiic, Agneta Juodenaite, Sonny Mulder, Wen, Jaggered, Chris, meek, magicalhobo, Zweby, Jonathan Bennett, Zippy the Wonderslug, Jini, LittleFawn, Unbreakable Wings, Joe HF, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
I want to make beautiful pictures like you do.
Unbreakable Wings
@SilentButterfly Thank you ^^ and u can :D You need to practice and learn from people here:D
Aya Mulder
♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥ is a all i have to say. :3
@nightstar Thank you ^^
Aya Mulder
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