Night Sun

Night Sun

Drawn by Aya Mulder. Part of the album Nature.


Based on Shelly's Sunflowers. I've been wanting to draw sunflowers at night, but whenever I try to draw flowers, but the petals always look weird >< I hope you don't mind I added the background, Shelly! I love your flower drawings!

© 2013 Aya Mulder. Licensed under CC-BY.

Collab Night Sky Star Tree Landscape Nature Sunflower Flower

@Sonny Mulder @magicalhobo Arigato :D —  Aya Mulder
@Hil I'm still learning for real! I can't draw animal and flowers :s —  Aya Mulder
WOW!!! This is one of the best you have done so far!!!!! —  Cami Brown
Thank you. @Cami Brown :D Thanks to @Shelly,, She draws awesome flowers ^^ —  Aya Mulder
wooow aya —  Liar
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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