Chrome crashed + Firefox not responding = Failed big cloud that looks like a dragon -.-
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Voivodian, Anonymous, MR, Zakeena, xLitchi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lazarus, Ray Mortamour, Papachan, Liar, sweetrox, lovehamburgers, Cami Brown, Agneta Juodenaite, voggal vogga, Jini, Chris, Stupiee, Hil, meek, Lunar Eclipse, Ashtray, Lee Tjung, Jaggered, Sonny Mulder, -----, LittleFawn, Zippy the Wonderslug, Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ , Kassy, ch1ris23, magicalhobo, Joe HF, Erythrocyte ., Mouldy Sponge, Nikko, Ruth Lesslie, and Annie Tipton.
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I'm lovin it! <3
ooh i like the each sky and clouds... you drawing them just perfectly <3
It looks like Phoenix too, I told you!
Sonny Mulder
So beautiful! You used the perfect colors - it is just like an eye-catching sunset that makes me take notice and remember how lovely the sky can be!
@Art Ist @Helen @Hil Thank you ^^ @Sonny Mulder Yes looks like Suzaku @Agent NL-20 Haha funny music <3 fluffy <3
Aya Mulder
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