Agneta Juodenaite

Joined .

Im 25 years young I live in sweden my favorite hobby is to draw either on paper or on my laptop i like all kinds of music styles i enjoy reading a book once in a while :) my favorite movie ganra is probabley / scarry horror movies & commedy :3

Welcome Agneta :D Great you came here! —  Lunar Eclipse
:3 ty Lunar <3 ^_^ much apreciated :3 lets Do ART :o ^_^ —  Agneta Juodenaite
Thanks for all the votes. And nice drawings! —  magicalhobo
Omg nice drawings —  Mahieu Summer
Hi! Thanks for checking out my drawings and upvoting. Glad you liked them :) —  Mouldy Sponge
very nice player —
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"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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