just some doodles that I drew for days xD Practices in order to achive something that I wanted in the past xd
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Mouldy Sponge, Sonny Mulder, Papachan, thewalkingdude, lovehamburgers, Voivodian, Lazarus, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lunar Eclipse, Crevasse, meek, Ichiban Yada, magicalhobo, Zakeena, michiru, Rebeccajj, Miss Apple, uneekL4evr, Seraphiic, Erythrocyte ., Ray Mortamour, xLitchi, Ruth Lesslie, Joe HF, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Nikko, and Krissie.
I need to learn how to draw a samurai with actual colors like this :P
@thewalkingdude learn how to use layers first, puppy!
Aya Mulder
@thewalkingdude learn how to use layers first, puppy!
Aya Mulder
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