I was eating watermelon while drawing this in half asleep condition xD So it's basically watermelon coloured hair xD It's hoooooooooooooooot hereT_T
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Agneta Juodenaite, Rebeccajj, ~moneywithptc~, MR, Sonny Mulder, Buriburi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Papachan, Ray Mortamour, Enigma, lovehamburgers, Lazarus, meek, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lilyfield, Crevasse, Ichiban Yada, Luna Sea, Ruth Lesslie, Voivodian, Liar, thewalkingdude, Miss Apple, Zakeena, xLitchi, Erythrocyte ., Ana, Lunar Eclipse, uneekL4evr, Unbreakable Wings, magicalhobo, Mouldy Sponge, Joe HF, sweetrox, Nikko, and Annie Tipton.
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@sweetrox @Luna Sea Thank you furry much <3 :*
Aya Mulder
@magicalhobo haha yus ^^ blame watermelon! xD also idk why it became like this actually, a bit surprised cause I used blur just on fingers xD long life alpha brush ^^
Aya Mulder
nice shapes and colors
the ribbon on the hat is so outstanding
@ch1ris23 thanks a lot ! the ribbon was watermelon-ish too xd
Aya Mulder
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