I started this drawing around December 2013. It was very rough sketch,
but I was lazy to continue it, so I buried it in my folder ._. When I knew that there's new curve tool on Sketchport, I decided to continue it. But again, cause there are so many things happened since new year, I keep delaying to finish it xD It was like a training to be more patient but I think I'm failed zzzz -.- Splitting desktop screen to see the reference is troublesome T_T Well, as long as I finish it xD Hope it looks like Ponyo ^^
Anime Gake no Ue no Ponyo Miyazaki Hayao Ghibli Fan Art Jellyfish Sakana xD
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lucas, ~moneywithptc~, MR, Seraphiic, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ray Mortamour, Enigma, Liar, Papachan, Miss Apple, -HetaliaFan-, thewalkingdude, Voivodian, MUMON, Lunar Eclipse, lovehamburgers, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lazarus, uneekL4evr, WoodYard, Zakeena, Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ , Unbreakable Wings, magicalhobo, Luna Sea, Mouldy Sponge, Erythrocyte ., Ana, Rebeccajj, Joe HF, Ruth Lesslie, xLitchi, Hababoon, -----, Crevasse, ch1ris23, and Nikko.
Ponyooooooooooo *o*
So good, Aya! :o <3
Wow, it's great Aya, it looks like a still from the movie.
@★ ★ ★ ★ ★ @Rebeccarawrr @magicalhobo @xLitchi Thank you furry much :D Actually I don't like to colour in line ._. I'm forcing myself to like it now, since I sketched things like this more xD Just need more courage and time to finish it T_T
Aya Mulder
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