
Joined .

Heyhey, I was Buriburi on omgpop (yes yes, the one with the scary cat thing from Sailor Moon as an icon), so I moved on over here.

Just call me Buri. I'm a young twentysomethin' lady livin' in Alabama. I'm an anthro artist, and a (rusty) traditional animator. My original character is a female Maned Wolf with a white mane, and a purple nose... But I have a bad habit of representing myself as a buff, male Bulldog. -shrug- I'm also horrible at writing profiles. :C It's hard for me to draw on this site, lol.

I also post on Deviantart (very rarely, everything old is hidden) http://black-kalak.deviantart.com/

I love your draws! Can't wait to see more :D —  Jini
Love the sketches! Plz make more! ( of corse no rush ) :) —  nightstar
Hello BuriBuri —  Vomika
Thank you so much !! aaaa :'D —  Wall
heyy Buri really glad to see u here :D well we just played together in dmt... and cleared out u were here and just checked you...you're great <3 good luck girl :) —  Helen
thanks c: —  RES
Buriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *big glomps* :3 —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
I caught you changing your profile avatar D< How dare you lurk <3 —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
77th 5180


Posted a drawing to your Facebook account


Tried to vote up your own drawing


Tried to vote down your own drawing


Created an album

Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am


Tried to submit a blank canvas

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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