Universe is what you make it be. cheers! ;)
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Aaron Lathon, Ray Mortamour, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Zippy the Wonderslug, meek, Hababoon, Papachan, Carlos, Lunar Eclipse, Jini, thewalkingdude, Y_C_, uneekL4evr, Silenhalle, Luna Sea, magicalhobo, Ana, lovehamburgers, Chihihihiro, Aya Mulder, sweetrox, ch1ris23, Joe HF, michiru, xLitchi, Lazarus, and Nikko.
I know that we can find a lot of kindness in that heart ♥. But what about inside your head? I'm scared :x
Awesome concept Zak, I like it a lot.
@Litchi you're all in my head. @magicalhobo thanks! I was a little lazy about the heart coloring though, does it show? :p
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