Whale Shark
Drawn by Aya Mulder for the Sea Creatures challenge and inspired by shaaark.com. Part of the album Challenges.
I have met so many sea creature, but whale shark is the only sea creature that made my heart beat fast when I met them xD It was unforgettable experience to dive with this shark, even much better than cage diving ^^ Because of this reason, I tried to draw this shark patiently xD Finally I finished it even though my silly laptop made trouble with showing me "Google Chrome not responding" then changed to be "Adobe Flash plugin has crashed " for multiple times in 4 days :no:
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@Shelly @Krissie @Nabiya Haider @Helen :D Thank you very much ^^
Aya Mulder
@Rebeccarawrr <3 Thank you! I learned from you, Becca! :D
Aya Mulder
@Crevasse ^^ Thank you bossxD Your country is too awesome ! Raja Ampaaat <3
Aya Mulder
Completely amazing, Aya. <3
Zippy the Wonderslug
i love this :D
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