For Shelly's Challenge : Nihonzaru

For Shelly's Challenge : Nihonzaru

Drawn by Aya Mulder for the It's Winter! Draw an Animal That Likes the Cold challenge. Part of the album Challenges.


This animal was the first thing that came in my head when I read the challenge's title xD I don't know whether they love the cold or not, but they love to soak in the onsen/hot springs. More about this animal you can see it here or

© 2014 Aya Mulder. Licensed under CC-BY.

Challenge Monkey Japan Winter Cold Hot Springs Onsen Jigokudani

Haha those monkeys are awesome. Good choice. —  magicalhobo
@Ana xD yes i changed it cause lost bet again ._. —  Aya Mulder
@Ana and thank youxd @magicalhobo wasn't a choice it popped up in my head after reading the challenge's title title xD —  Aya Mulder
@Aya Mulder oh glad u lost it ;) :D —  Ana
i mean cause u changed avatar :D —  Ana
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President Eisenhower
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