Joined 11 years ago.
, the weird brace-face
Shout out to Kuru for introducing this site to me. Hello, I'm Stormie. I'm an annoying person...
Unproductive weirdo
I will be mostly on dA
I am animecatgirlcutie001 from sketchfu. I hope I can find my sketchfu friends on here. I will...
Newcomer from SketchFu~
Hello, the reason I came here was because I needed another drawing site for my ideas to flow~...
It's been a long while...
Hi there. Julia here! I'm just a lil' dudet that likes to draw random shiz. that lives in...
oh snap mr krabs
tord / 17 / fictkin hallo !!! I haven't been on this site in forever but I hope you enjoy my new...
I really should draw on this site whoops.
Sad but Rad☠
uhm. stuff will come later!
Hello Friends :)
Hey, this is Jenna! I was prin10cess on Sketchfu and have the same username on DeviantArt and...
Will work for food
"You're a strange looking cat." "Oh, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog." "Alright, a dog, I understand,...
meep meep
call the letra
hello, i usually only have some time for sketches
on the last day there were skeletons resembling dead trees
Can I be a Chicken?
Hey there I'm Mysterious but you can call me mystery/myst/Monsterious anything you want just not...
baby i know
aka paw on sketchfu
Mood: Calm Drawn by: Mysterious Character: FlameClaw Owner of character: Misterious Photoshopped...
Heyyo~ Im a 16 years old girl who wears glasses and having a messy hair. Easily had a crush on...
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."