Yumii Tako

Joined .

Asura gw2

Can't be bothered to finish this.. Yes.. I used blur.. what of it?

Doodle Gas mask Anime boy

doodling.. this is my Blog's mascot, his name is "Ganteng" its mean "Handsome" in English. Enjoy~

sorry this is just random and has no real purpose...enjoy

Dont get me wrong, I love the new tools on here. But I miss Sketchfuuuuuu.

wait, we aren't friends anymore. so enjoy this thing.

Animegirl Love letter Cute Kawaii

the series of love letters x"D this one is the need of being noticed~ enjoy please?~

Animegirl Nekomimi Cry Tears

So, i have a broken heart now x'D and RAPOPO means "Im okay" in Javanese (im not Javanese but...

Love. animegirl. spa

Due to my heart's feel haha pathetic well, its my first attempt drawing here~ kind of hard and i...

"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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