Joined 11 years ago.
"You selfish female dog"
"Seriously you must be borderline retarded to even believe what what kind of fairytale fucking...
hey que onda :D
Formerly sketchport user crashman. I am an arting hobbyist who enjoys the Mega Man series. Nice...
Unable to use sketchport at the moment...
I'm a drawin gal. I live in France. I'm part English. I'm completely crazy. I like. I love. I...
Not worth it.
Life is temporary
Sketchport is my favorite place to draw online❤️
I have an unwritten bio :)
Papachan: LOLLING OUT LOUD #nbgsepo
Hi, my name is Seb, nice to meet you. I like to draw random stuff and doodles. I have no exact...
A simple act of caring, creates an endless ripple.
By Starman, 3 years ago a drawing by my dear friend Azzah and another by Azzah, from about 3...
Will work for food
"You're a strange looking cat." "Oh, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog." "Alright, a dog, I understand,...
"Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable."