
Joined .

I haven't written a bio yet :(

I love that you use different style in your drawings! I really want to say thank youuuu that you do that! I can learn so much things from your video! Glaaaaaaaaaaaaaad you are drawing here :D *bows* —  Aya Mulder
@Aya Mulder, hey, thanks so much for the comment. Haha, yeah, I wander aimlessly in terms of a "defined" style. —  Y_C_
Haha, your name change confused me. Now I understand the awesomeness of the skull. —  magicalhobo
@magicalhobo, thanks. :) —  Y_C_
Thanks for the vote/like! —  StormyNight
YMCA ? —  Zakeena
@Zakeena, oh no, but it's a very clever guess. It's just my middle and last initials. :) —  Y_C_
Thanks for the like! —  flora-remora
Your skills are incredible! I'll have to come back and add comments a bit later as my computer is being glitchy and won't let me go into the individual drawings. ;) —  Miss A.
Come baaack D: —  xLitchi
plz :O —  Papachan
@xLitchi and @Papachan, aww, thank you guys for still remembering me. I'm pretty busy with school and work recently. :) —  Y_C_
Aw sure ! Hope you'll come back and draw when you'll have some time :) —  xLitchi
122nd 2290


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Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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