
Joined .


Kedamono when are you gonna draw more? Your art is really good! —  End My Suffering
@Nyan Cat soon I guess —  BlitzBasilDash
@kedamono <: —  End My Suffering
love your art —  Wolfy loves banana's
Love your drawing —  Google User
I <3 your art —  Google User
hi —  Google User
i loooovvveee you ART —  Google User
I love this art you are so talented —  Google User
Hello🍜 —  Mario
Hello It's been two years now... —  Mario
69th 6600


Tried to submit a blank canvas


Created an album

Inspirational By Association

Added something to the Inspiration page


Tried to vote up your own drawing

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green


Started a challenge


Started a discussion

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am

"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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