Joined 10 years ago.
Sketchling, Drawing, Video Gaming.
Hi I'm Lilyfield and this is my profile, clearly. I love video games, and much more but video...
kahylazs sik sokscom
I'm DontSpeak(DontSpeakSilent). You can call me DS, for short. I'm a mostly self taught artist,...
I'm interested in apathy.
You can always count on your fingers.
Keep calm and blame the Riff
Rabid Irresistable Fuk F*ace R.I.P. old ca(rpe)t... 1999-2015 dat hair.
Papachan: LOLLING OUT LOUD #nbgsepo
Hi, my name is Seb, nice to meet you. I like to draw random stuff and doodles. I have no exact...
Ew, what is this.
uhm. stuff will come later!
ur rly cute
tumblr: muzy: deviantart:...
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."