Joined 10 years ago.
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Don't bullsh!t an old bullsh!tter
“Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk.”
-"I know for a fact that my punches aren't light. What was holding you up after you took that...
Is a Supah Hawaiian!
Supreme 'Adorable' Master
I'm a Pokémon fan and a fan of Carlyonthemoon!!! I play Pokémon X and OR!!! I joined Sketchport...
that one insanely pale girl...
Was Geht!
I haven't commit suicide yet :(
Konnichiwa. Ogenki desu ka?
Drawing is one of the best ways to meditate, while staying connected to the world around us.
Welcome to PlopLand ~
♀ Je suis une enfant du Monde. Dans ma Bulle. Buy me a Pain au Chocolat. Sometimes I act like a...
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."