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Coma King

? 😸


Nuuuh >:C

Heyhey, I was Buriburi on omgpop (yes yes, the one with the scary cat thing from Sailor Moon as...

Luna Sea

I have seen the future, brother. It is murder.

Being Human Though all the force to hold the parts together And service love reversed, turned...


Unable to use sketchport at the moment...

I'm a drawin gal. I live in France. I'm part English. I'm completely crazy. I like. I love. I...


Welcome to PlopLand ~

♀ Je suis une enfant du Monde. Dans ma Bulle. Buy me a Pain au Chocolat. Sometimes I act like a...

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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