
Joined .

Marco stepping it up I really don't know what this is

Midna Twilight Princess

This was requested anonymous by a person from Ask.Fm on my art account (most likely my sister)...

Aurelia Legend of Zelda Zelda Link Fairy

This is my precious Zelda OC, Aurelia ♀ hehe. (Mainly focused in the Ocarina of Time and...

Link Zelda Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

It looks a lot like Skyward sword Link in the toon Link style, But it's supposed to be Twilight...

yes I do this all day everyday when I get a chance everytime yes. I am a girl gamer and I'm...

The last name is pronounced (Lad-ee-boosh) yea it's weird but anyways yea her hair looks like...

ANOTHER CHARACTER hah. Lyn Togashi (Lyntendo)

New OC. It's for my cartoon story hehe.

yep aNOTHER OC She looks a lot like Jade just to point that out b4 someone else does.

"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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