Purpel Pateet

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hhh Im Irisjess from sketchfu and I came because I have no idea why

welcome to sketchport ;> —  Hira
np. also did you see my drawing on sf on sketchfu conversions to here? I'm somewhat assuming thats probably how you found this site since I drew it in the app bUT —  Hira
Okay well on my profile [i'm liesfromthetablecloth btw] my most recent drawing shows you how to bring any sketchfu drawing to sketchport. [just go to the discussion link and post the drawings you want converted] —  Hira
You came because you want to be an awesome artist! —  magicalhobo
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"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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