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I am The Brotato big brother

Welcome to Sketchport, thebrotato big brother! —  Papachan
@Papachan lol XD so yeah —  TheBigPotato
Can you please stop putting g on description, it is very annoying because it was boring to some people and you don't have to need description, same as your thebrotato profile, ok? —  Papachan
@Papachan i am sorry if g is bothering you on my next drawing i will not put g i will type a proper description thanks fore the comment tho —  TheBigPotato
@Papachan i am sorry if g is bothering you on my next drawing i will not put g i will type a proper description thanks fore the comment tho —  TheBigPotato
166th 1550


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Inspirational By Association

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I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green

"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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