Miss A.

Joined .

Rediscovered a love for drawing in 2007 and I'm not looking back!

You may know me as MissA_sketches, a site MOD for http://sketchfu.com, (soon to be defunct), it was a sweet ride and will be greatly missed. I owe that site an awful lot.

You may know also me from: http://www.miss-a-sketches.deviantart.com, http://http://www.flickr.com/photos/missasketches/, or at http://www.queeky.com/artist/MissAsketches. Feel free to contact me here or at any of those sites. I will do my best to respond.

Hope you will continue to enjoy my art journey with me! :D

Mom's Iris Revisited

Mom's Iris Revisited

© R. A. 2-16-13 & published in June 2013's botanical issue of Colored Pencil Magazine.

Nice to see you. ;) hehehehehe —  Hira
That's good! And good luck! Be sure to send the links to the discussion link Hobo opened! [I have the link posted in my drawing if you lost it] and I hope you can eventually get the hang of this site because I'd love to see you around here! —  Hira
Ah yeah, this is how they keep spammers away, you need to have drawings upvoted to send PM's. As for transferring, you need to go here http://www.sketchport.com/discussion/6632187331870720/ and once Hobo gets on he's going to import them. He's AFK now it seems but he should come back soon! —  Hira
OH it cut off somehow when i pasted it. http://www.sketchport.com/discussion/6632187331870720/sketchfu-conversions that one should work! sorry lol! —  Hira
Hello, Miss A, your drawings should be in your drafts section now! —  magicalhobo
The animations take a while to appear on any drawing on this site, but don't worry! They will. Once they do you'll get a notification in your inbox saying an animation was made! —  Hira
Did you see the animation on the drawing? It worked! —  Hira
Scroll down your profile page to the Squished-Fu drawing, and click the video icon, first icon on the right! —  Hira
Aw, it's nothing. I'm just glad I was able to share this great site and community with you. This transition's a bit hard, and this site has definitely made it easier on me. I'm glad I can help and I'm very happy you can be here where we can enjoy your art as it was on sketchfu for so long! —  Hira
Haha thanks! You do too :D I'll be waiting for more draws from you!! —  Jini
Ah, already working on it! ;D —  Chewseh
naah it's alright! and welcome!! : ) —  michiru
123rd 2254


Tried to vote down your own drawing


Tried to vote up your own drawing

"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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