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This is a non-profit group created by author Sam Sacks. It is a place to gather information on the subject matter of the IELTS English Test. It also hosts non-profit events and to help out with the cost of living in Ireland.This is a collection of papers from the band-9-ielts-essays contest organized in 2016, hosted by the Institute for Inclusion and Social Change in Helsinki, [Band 9 Essay Samples]( Finland. The theme of this contest was "Activism in Education" and the topics dealt with include culture, education, politics, war and peace. Paper 1: Strong Shadow: Historiographical Research and Ideology Scholars (Colette Roux) Paper 2: Close-Up: A Hacker's Notebook (Natalie Womack) Paper 3: The Interdisciplinary Dialectic of Emotions and Language (Thomas.Band-9-IELTS-essays is not just a few beautiful essays ready to be plagiarized. The content of each and every quiz is based on real work, using the best tools and techniques. This is a challenging and important subject matter, and you are expected to prove your competence to the students.

"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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