Joined 11 years ago.
Don't bullsh!t an old bullsh!tter
“Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk.”
Hee Haw
Vengeance shall be mine
Be happy. Be healthy. Live a life of J.O.Y. <3
Hello, My name is Jakub. I'm 16 years old and I like astronomy. I listen to metal, hard rock and...
"You selfish female dog"
"Seriously you must be borderline retarded to even believe what what kind of fairytale fucking...
Robots are artists, too!
All ways ~ Semper Incrementum ~
I Am here All ways
-"I know for a fact that my punches aren't light. What was holding you up after you took that...
I'm Interested in Apathy.
Dude, I walk
That drawing-guy!
I like drawing!
A leaf on the wind
UK based physicist, using stylus-on-screen technology (Wacom Penabled/Feel-IT or N-Trig,...
Keep calm and blame the Riff
Rabid Irresistable Fuk F*ace R.I.P. old ca(rpe)t... 1999-2015 dat hair.
I have seen the future, brother. It is murder.
Being Human Though all the force to hold the parts together And service love reversed, turned...
Formerly sketchport user crashman. I am an arting hobbyist who enjoys the Mega Man series. Nice...
centuries of damn
"Do not forget to draw whenever you have the opportunity, or you may find yourself lost and...
Coma King
? 😸
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."