Joined 13 years ago.
Rediscovered a love for drawing in 2007 and I'm not looking back! You may know me as...
It's been a long while...
Hi there. Julia here! I'm just a lil' dudet that likes to draw random shiz. that lives in...
Resident Homo
------❤ I WANT SOME CANDY ❤------ .................................................✘HIRA |...
I FORGET HOW TO DRAW LIKE I DID IN THE PAST :'( I will try to draw again sometime later, maybe -.-
Welcome to PlopLand ~
♀ Je suis une enfant du Monde. Dans ma Bulle. Buy me a Pain au Chocolat. Sometimes I act like a...
Unable to use sketchport at the moment...
I'm a drawin gal. I live in France. I'm part English. I'm completely crazy. I like. I love. I...
I have seen the future, brother. It is murder.
Being Human Though all the force to hold the parts together And service love reversed, turned...
good drawer on papers
Hey guys what upss?! I'm really good at drawings but if you seen my drawings on here that mean...
Hobo dubbed me a knight.
I'm knighted as the badge maker I'm knighted as the mad scientist Idk why but I l am very...
Turtles are awesome.
the fatal journeys beyond the blues await.......
Inside the outside.
The Dreamer <3
The reason for sketchport?To show that people in life are never alone and has someone who feels...
Downloading Virus...100% complete!
Twitter Deviant art Animations on Vimeo YouTube Channel Instagram For those of you who stand at...
About the thing I call me: Am not an artist but my soul is. This planet is my home but I live in...
Fretty Punny
Cami Honey B
A leaf on the wind
UK based physicist, using stylus-on-screen technology (Wacom Penabled/Feel-IT or N-Trig,...
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""