A makeover is changing one's appearance, often using cosmetics and hair styling. Makeovers can range from something as simple as a new haircut, to the use of cosmetic surgery, to the extreme of the implantation of dental veneers, eye-color-changing contact lenses, and the use of appearance-altering gastric bypass surgeries, providing massive, permanent fat loss in obese persons, and the associated plastic surgeries, such as abdominoplasty, to eliminate the resulting loose-hanging skin folds (the "panniculus").

A makeunder is based on the opposite principle - removing artificial enhancements to a person's appearance to give a more 'natural' look.


Уасееи Nah Creature Makeover

I thought it needed a little makeover. J'espère que ça te plaît Уасееи.

"Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable."
Carl Sagan
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