Cheeks (Latin: buccae) constitute the area of the face below the eyes and between the nose and the left or right ear. "Buccal" means relating to the cheek. In humans, the region is innervated by the buccal nerve. The area between the inside of the cheek and the teeth and gums is called the vestibule or buccal pouch or buccal cavity and forms part of the mouth. In other animals the cheeks may also be referred to as jowls.
Face Pink Facial expression Nose Smile Vertebrate Text Cheek Emotion
~This is my second Fave character from Poppe the Performer!~
Adorable hedgehog Face Nose Red Skin Facial expression Smile Human hair color Cheek Eye
This is a drawing of my pet hedgehog. Yes, I really do have a pet hedgehog and, yes, her name is...
My pet hedgehog, Pointsetta.
Karebear ajPointsetta Face Green Red Skin Nose Facial expression Smile Cheek Human hair color
Awe she's holding a poinsettia flower!