A head is the part of an organism, which usually comprises the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, each of which aid in various sensory functions, such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Some very simple animals may not have a head, but many bilaterally symmetric forms do. Heads develop in animals by an evolutionary trend known as cephalization. In bilaterally symmetrical animals, nervous tissues concentrate at the anterior region, forming structures responsible for information processing. Through biological evolution, sense organs and feeding structures also concentrate into the anterior region; these collectively form the head.



time to disappear for another 10 years

Head Organ Hand

I'm lost but I don't know why // 2/? expression meme exercise

White Joint Nose Head Fictional character Human

she wouldn't look like That and we both know that but you can pry it from my cold, dead hands

Tazn Face Person Woman Head

i haven't started that episode yet but like, i can already tell im gay 4 troth

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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