Thinking about existence

Thinking about existence

Drawn by Zakeena for the Is there a reason for existence? challenge. Part of the album Challenges.


© 2015 Zakeena. Licensed under CC-BY.

Meaning Of Life Thinking Headache

@Liar cutest eva. lol @Papachan What? —  Zakeena
This looks sooo beautiful!! :D —  Nikko
@Nikko maybe theses are your bones? *gets knife out* let's check *o* - Thx btw. —  Zakeena
@Zakeena omg they are my bones!! *runs* :') :') Anyways, thank you for entering my challenge and this is really a nice artwork! :D —  Nikko
you're welcome m'am @Nikko —  Zakeena
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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