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Zakeena, Papachan, Jaggered, -----, Zippy the Wonderslug, Buriburi, LiizPsychoticDayD..., Luna Sea, Krissie, Hababoon, uneekL4evr, Lazarus, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lunar Eclipse, Vomika, magicalhobo, Erythrocyte ., ch1ris23, Anonymous, xLitchi, Joe HF, Liar, Crevasse, MR, and Nikko.
So kind of the Harpie to take time out of her long and woeful day to educate the young blobzuls about life 8)
Zippy would be proud hun' :]
Omygosh! This is something that I would try to do, but not as great like you have done. I think this is my favorite drawing of yours, Kanani. <3
Zippy the Wonderslug
Thanks so much you guys. James, you have been such an inspiration for me. Your drawings wow me on a level like no other. :* thanks again! @Zippy the Wonderslug
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