When you're sixteen you have six fingers!

When you're sixteen you have six fingers!

Drawn by Agent-Bunny-Boy. Part of the album ~People and Portraits~.


16 again :p ugh....... I want to understand it... drawing from a reference photo is tough... Especially when that reference is on kodak xD

© 2014 Agent-Bunny-Boy. Licensed under CC-BY.

very good! —  Liar
Calm down.. I like it. It's fine. This ones really ambitious. Lots going on in this one. Do version 2.0 if you want too...just have fun —  Sausalitom
I remember it from your broadcast :D —  ~moneywithptc~
That dude shouldn't have eaten all those mushrooms. —  Gibbermagash
@✴Gibbermagash✴ All this time later, that comment still makes me stifle a giggle. —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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