I want to improve on my plant drawing skilllzzz so I figured why not start with grass lol. Then I got Riff to help me with sand lol. Thanks again, Riff!. Enjoy pplz
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آدم, Aya Mulder, Kevin, -----, Silenhalle, Sausalitom, OfC, Voivodian, ~moneywithptc~, -, Lilyfield, Lunar Eclipse, ChelC, Zakeena, kerosene, CubeArms, ReEmO_o, ch1ris23, Ruth Lesslie, xLitchi, Half fizz, Ana, Erythrocyte ., ayumi_star, Lazarus, Papachan, Hababoon, Luna Sea, Mouldy Sponge, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Liar, raymondsanti, Ichiban Yada, Aaron Lathon, LittleFawn, Riff, magicalhobo, Nikko, So Dope, nolli yacin, Kube, Anubis, sheylajp3, Noor 🍬🍭, Joe HF, Temika Clarke, Annie Tipton, Misneach , Moneey., Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, and Firi.
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@ChelC thank you :)
Kind of reminds me of the last scene in "The Road."
Kind of reminds me of the last scene in "The Road."
katsher in the rye
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