Water, Cloud, Rock, oh my I really love drawing landscapes, and I really hate drawing landscapes
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Voivodian, event-horizon, raymondsanti, OfC, Lunar Eclipse, Zakeena, Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ , Papachan, Helen, ReEmO_o, Ana, Liar, xLitchi, Erythrocyte ., Luna Sea, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ichiban Yada, Aaron Lathon, Lazarus, magicalhobo, Crevasse, Nikko, Ray Mortamour, Kube, Anubis, Joe HF, and Moneey..
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You're the 'Landscape Queen'!
Luna Sea
nice shadowing on the rock shapes
I want to swim there
Uneek i love this
@magicalhobo @Ichiban Yada @Luna Sea @Liar @Ana @Hamizilla thank you all
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