Another snow day, another drawing :)
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Innocent Sylph, Hannah, Petlover500, Im IPOD 5, melmelkay, Liar, Anonymous, ~moneywithptc~, shshshsh, StreetLine, Papachan, Zippy the Wonderslug, meek, Helen, LittleFawn, MayLing Ngo, James Sute, lovehamburgers, sweetrox, Jonathan Bennett, Half fizz, Carlos, Vomika, Kassy, Crevasse, Hababoon, Stupiee, Jini, xLitchi, -----, Chihihihiro, Ana, Luna Sea, Yobonbon, Aya Mulder, Rebeccajj, uneekL4evr, Joe HF, magicalhobo, ch1ris23, Cookiez Lover Gurl, Blue, sunny105, Imaginary Friend, Nikko, -HetaliaFan-, Sausalitom, Justin Smith, Who Is Fancy, Panda, Taylor Smith, nolli yacin, sheylajp3, Noor 🍬🍭, Annie Tipton, Misneach , Pixie Dust, Mac W., Voivodian, Karebear aj, Agent-Bunny-Boy, BlitzBasilDash, Chris, Google User, Google User, Google User, Captain_Ruby, Btswolf_exodragon..., Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Firi, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Lyzette Jasso, Google User, Google User, Google User, and txtdog_exowolf6631.
pretty bird...... your drawings are v.nice Shelly..
Innocent Sylph
Thank you, thats very nice of you to say! @Sarwat Zia
Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
nops, u deserve appreciation for such beautiful drawings
Innocent Sylph
This is a joke, (also, nice drawing.), but, let's hope the bird hunters are not coming-
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Google User
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