The tale of a rabid fruit wrought with pain, and a high fruit with a flesh eating disease. Collab with Morbid Mumbles.....and almost Mouldy Sponge.
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Joe HF, Erythrocyte ., Zakeena, OfC, -----, ch1ris23, Ruth Lesslie, Silenhalle, xLitchi, Luna Sea, Hababoon, Papachan, Liar, michiru, Voivodian, Anonymous, ~moneywithptc~, Voivodian, Ichiban Yada, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lazarus, Morbid Mumbles, magicalhobo, Nikko, Kube, and Anubis.
You killed the pope :(
Mouldy Sponge
@Mouldy Sponge damn me to hell because I'm not repenting
They're beautiful!
Luna Sea
@Luna Sea I think so too :3, thank youu
nais Kollab!
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