Exotic Fruit

Exotic Fruit

Drawn by uneekL4evr.


Mamey Sapote, Mangosteen, Kiwi. Also known as a papaya with a big seed, a plum with garlic inside, and a kiwi :3 I hope you like it mumbles!. Enjoy :3

© 2014 uneekL4evr. Licensed under CC-BY.

Fruit Still life Kiwi Mangosteen Mamey Sapote

Awesome! —  Ichiban Yada
When you said you were drawing kiwis with fruit I thought you were drawing birds... —  thewalkingdude
KIWIIIII :D lmao, plum with garlic inside. that's amazing —  Silenhalle
Aww :3 I <3 it :D —  Papachan
@Ichiban Yada @Daedroth @Hamizilla thank youu :) @thewalkingdude srry for the confusion lol —  uneekL4evr
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