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Papachan, Cvetina, uneekL4evr, lovehamburgers, Ben Miller, Kanani , Rebeccajj, meek, marilyn :)), Cami Brown, Buriburi, Beech Anderson, Jini, Lunar Eclipse, Ashtray, Ana, Jonathan Bennett, Aya Mulder, ch1ris23, Vishakha, Unbreakable Wings, LittleFawn, Joe HF, Mouldy Sponge, Zippy the Wonderslug, Kassy, magicalhobo, Aya 123, Ruth Lesslie, and Erythrocyte ..
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i like that medium format camera phone.
hahaa awesooome :D :D
Nice :D If its all based on your stuff does that mean you're a hipster?
Lunar Eclipse
@magicalhobo It sort of looks like that, or one of those eye-exam lenses. @It's just a phone case with Lenses. @Lunar Eclipse Only if I snap. xD
Cool! I like what it says :) " get lost in finding yourself"
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