~Avian Hipster~

~Avian Hipster~

Drawn by Chris for the Hipster Birds! challenge.


Note: All clothes/items based on my stuff!

© 2013 Chris. Licensed under CC-BY.

Bird Hipster

i like that medium format camera phone. —  ch1ris23
hahaa awesooome :D :D —  Ana
Nice :D If its all based on your stuff does that mean you're a hipster? —  Lunar Eclipse
@magicalhobo It sort of looks like that, or one of those eye-exam lenses. @It's just a phone case with Lenses. @Lunar Eclipse Only if I snap. xD —  Chris
Cool! I like what it says :) " get lost in finding yourself" —  nightstar
"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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