

Imported from Sketchfu by Miss A..


Originally drawn at the soon to be defunct site sketchfu.com.

Poor FU. This draw has a whole new meaning now instead of me just being silly and FU'ing one of my drawings. He's all squished and used up now....sigh. They're pulling the site plug in 7 days. :(

© 2014 Miss A.. Licensed under CC-BY.

sketchfu FU hand stu

I'll surely miss it! —  Hira
Me too. It's been a huge part of my art journey for over 6 years. I can't tell you how often the site kept me sane in this crazy mixed up world we all live in. —  Miss A.
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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