RIP Chat

RIP Chat

Drawn by Agent-Bunny-Boy.

© 2014 Agent-Bunny-Boy. Licensed under CC-BY.

Magicalhobo Sadness

Oh danny boy, the pipes the pipes are callin. From Glen to glen and down the mountain side, summers gone and the flowers they are dying, tis you tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when spring is in the meadow, or the valley is hushed and white with snow. Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow, Ohh Danny boy oh Danny boy I love you so~~~ —  Lazarus
D': —  Riff
nice poop detail! —  Liar
@Lazarus so cute. :3 —  Zakeena
OMG TUMBLEWEEDS T_T i haven't noticed at first sight, sorry <3 —  Riff
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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