Rescue unit

Rescue unit

Drawn by Zakeena. Part of the album Fun and RAmble.


Nurse Army for MagicalHobo ! (No thanx to Litchi ! :p )

© 2014 Zakeena. Licensed under CC-BY.

Magicalhobo Nurses Wtf?

bizarre je me souviens pas de cet épisode d'Urgences... —  Riff
@xLitchi @uneekL4evr @Luna Sea <3 @Hababoon so sexy <3 —  Zakeena
@Riff, tu as dû louper , c'est un spinoff. :p —  Zakeena
zutre! je passe toujours à côté des trucs intéressants. —  Riff
@Riff tu es comme la cavalerie. huhu —  Zakeena
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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