© 2015 Aya 123.
Licensed under CC-BY.
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Nikko, Mouldy Sponge, Agent-Bunny-Boy, magicalhobo, Papachan, Silenhalle, -, Luna Sea, Ruth Lesslie, آدم, Ichiban Yada, Rebeccajj, Jakub, Lunar Eclipse, Zakeena, Lazarus, OfC, 117, Zippy the Wonderslug, Anonymous, Anubis, Vanessa Collins, cassiebell.zombie..., 🍍¢ólé🍉, Jasleen Kaur, Google User, Google User, Stitch the Wolf, Google User, moneywithptc., Google User, xXxTiger17xXx, Google User, Lyzette Jasso, Google User, S-E-L-O-Z-A-R, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, GalaxyCat, and Google User.
it's looks like the ghost from undertale
Google User
I made something exactly like this. Did you STEAL it?
Google User
@Google User bruh this was drawn 4 years ago
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