Fuzzy Turtles

Joined .

Hello :D I'm Jay, and welcome to my profile :0

Some facts:

  1. I am of the male variety
  2. I'm the dorkiest person you will ever meet
  3. that's all you need to know about me because that is my basic being

I'm one of the lone survivors of the great Sketchfu depression of 2013. I was known as Earl Ferbo11, King of the dumb-username guild. woopwoop

yeah thats it —  Kamrynskarma
Hi, Welcome! :D —  Hababoon
waddup —  Brianna Andrews
230th 558


Tried to vote up your own drawing


Tried to vote down your own drawing


Tried to submit a blank canvas


Started a challenge

Inspirational By Association

Added something to the Inspiration page

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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