Joined 10 years ago.
Vengeance shall be mine
Keep calm and blame the Riff
Rabid Irresistable Fuk F*ace R.I.P. old ca(rpe)t... 1999-2015 dat hair.
"Do not forget to draw whenever you have the opportunity, or you may find yourself lost and...
Draw something purple
Helloz pplz! What's there to say. I'm a purple loving clarinetist who is an awesome...
It's me :)
"You selfish female dog"
"Seriously you must be borderline retarded to even believe what what kind of fairytale fucking...
All ways ~ Semper Incrementum ~
I Am here All ways
I have an unwritten bio :)
Will work for food
"You're a strange looking cat." "Oh, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog." "Alright, a dog, I understand,...
Coma King
? 😸
I'm interested in apathy.
You can always count on your fingers.
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."