Hugo Lopes

Joined .

Nutella Chocolate Bread Knife Food Realism

This digital painting I started early March 2013,.. anyways it got harder and harder to draw.. I...

Woman Dress Realism

That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep a view And...

Asura gw2

Can't be bothered to finish this.. Yes.. I used blur.. what of it?

Woman Tattoo Henna Ring People Portrait Realism

This redefined the meaning of FOREVER. I started it exactly 1 year back; June 2012. Funnily...

"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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