Joined 10 years ago.
back at it again at krispy kreme
i was sushibob on sketchfu. tumblr: muzy:...
I am human therefore nothing human is alien to me
the ship is real, friends
Nuuuh >:C
Heyhey, I was Buriburi on omgpop (yes yes, the one with the scary cat thing from Sailor Moon as...
call the letra
hello, i usually only have some time for sketches
CANNIBAL; (n) somone who's fed up with people Deviantart:
what is this place
Jambo, Rafiki!
beep boop
*stabs you with love*
Hallo lil bbus Let's all get along shall we? nnnn we don have to but you know hhh
Will work for food
"You're a strange looking cat." "Oh, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog." "Alright, a dog, I understand,...
jun is my name memes are my game
I have seen the future, brother. It is murder.
Being Human Though all the force to hold the parts together And service love reversed, turned...
Sketchling, Drawing, Video Gaming.
Hi I'm Lilyfield and this is my profile, clearly. I love video games, and much more but video...
I really should draw on this site whoops.
oh snap mr krabs
tord / 17 / fictkin hallo !!! I haven't been on this site in forever but I hope you enjoy my new...
ur rly cute
tumblr: muzy: deviantart:...
(☉ε ⊙ノ)ノ Hardcore realist ლ(●ↀωↀ●)ლ
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."