Joined 10 years ago.
hey que onda :D
La borquico Jesus del Conde Jojorka aka Bogi
Hi! Im a 22 years old girl and I live in Hungary. I love to sleep and draw. Cheers!
Coma King
? 😸
Konnichiwa. Ogenki desu ka?
Drawing is one of the best ways to meditate, while staying connected to the world around us.
Nuuuh >:C
Heyhey, I was Buriburi on omgpop (yes yes, the one with the scary cat thing from Sailor Moon as...
All ways ~ Semper Incrementum ~
I Am here All ways
About the thing I call me: Am not an artist but my soul is. This planet is my home but I live in...
I FORGET HOW TO DRAW LIKE I DID IN THE PAST :'( I will try to draw again sometime later, maybe -.-
Downloading Virus...100% complete!
Twitter Deviant art Animations on Vimeo YouTube Channel Instagram For those of you who stand at...
CANNIBAL; (n) somone who's fed up with people Deviantart:
Draw something purple
Helloz pplz! What's there to say. I'm a purple loving clarinetist who is an awesome...
It's me :)
Unable to use sketchport at the moment...
I'm a drawin gal. I live in France. I'm part English. I'm completely crazy. I like. I love. I...
Welcome to PlopLand ~
♀ Je suis une enfant du Monde. Dans ma Bulle. Buy me a Pain au Chocolat. Sometimes I act like a...
I'm interested in apathy.
You can always count on your fingers.
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."