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Dog Airplane

Mandy was living in Taiwan, where she had no home and was about to die. A rescue organization...

Snoopy Aviation Flying

Original: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_5IWl-cAPUIs/R02y0XgtHtI/AAAAAAAAATk/GDbof3vzdvQ/s320/Snoopy.jpg

Snoopy Laugh

Original: http://cdn2.sbnation.com/imported_assets/1531319/laugh.jpg

Hipster Bird Humor

Original: http://a1.s6img.com/cdn/box_001/post_11/178693_8599225_lz.jpg

Marshmallow Bikini Humor

Grandma Vickie woke up this morning saying "I feel like a hot marshmallow."

Love Smile

I'm Really Excited To See Sean. I Arrived To The Airport Two Hours Early...

Sugar skull Portrait People Incomplete

This is the beginning outline of a sugar skull my mom picked out:

Frog Karate Humor

I can't find the link to it anymore, but I originally saw this cartoon in a stock photo.

Peace Rainbow Color

peace noun /pēs/ peaces, plural Freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility you can while...

Froyo Monster

This is my drawing of Swirl-It's mascot. http://www.swirlitfroyo.com/


Am I the only person who wants to see Smurfs 2?

"Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable."
Carl Sagan
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