Silhouette Landscape Swamp Water Reflection
I felt like drawing a landscape but didn't feel like working on all that extra stuff so I made...
"Never say good bye, because saying good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting" Peter Pan
Fruit Still life Kiwi Mangosteen Mamey Sapote
Mamey Sapote, Mangosteen, Kiwi. Also known as a papaya with a big seed, a plum with garlic...
Water, Cloud, Rock, oh my T_T I really love drawing landscapes, and I really hate drawing landscapes xD
i use moment to Congrats Georgia and Ukraine with won on famous event the "New Wave" 2014 its...
My draw #158 on Sketchport (i missed 13 not serious draws in counting draws) ========== Postive...
Green Energy