Pinney's Beach, Nevis W.I Based on a picture I took while on vacation.
I want to improve on my plant drawing skilllzzz so I figured why not start with grass lol. Then...
So...much blur T_T
Drawing inspired from a photo taken by the magic one aka hobo. I got lazy towards the end... lol
It is supposed to be a Violet-Backed Starling. Yep, I googled purple bird lol. The legs are...
I havent drawn a landscape in a while. Had to make sure I didn't forget how to do this! lol....
Oshidori Duck Mandarin Duck Black and White Monochrome
Quick drawing, I was just trying to draw with my trackpad on my new laptop xD old trackpad is...
Silhouette Landscape Swamp Water Reflection
I felt like drawing a landscape but didn't feel like working on all that extra stuff so I made...
Big Hero 6 study